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Paid Search Executive

Improve your website’s visibility hiring me as a Senior Paid Search Specialist


A Paid Search Executive is a Digital Marketing professional who specializes in managing and optimizing pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns on Search Engines like Google, Bing, and others.

I offer my expertise to businesses that want to increase visibility, attract highly targeted traffic, and drive conversions through paid search advertising.

By hiring me as your Senior Paid Search Executive, you’ll benefit from over 20 years of expertise, a track record of managing high-budget and large scale campaigns, and a commitment to delivering the best possible results for your business. I’ll help you optimize your Ad spend, refine your strategy, and ensure your paid search campaigns drive real growth.

Instant visibility and immediate results

Investing in paid search campaigns is one of the most effective ways to gain immediate visibility for your website, particularly on Search Engines like Google and Bing. This instant visibility is invaluable, especially for businesses that need quick results, whether it’s to boost sales, promote a new product, or drive traffic to a specific landing page.


To begin, as a PPC specialist I must first gain a deep understanding of my Client’s business by familiarizing myself with the products or services being offered, the target market, key competitors, and the overall dynamics of the industry. Once this foundational knowledge is in place, the next step is to define clear campaign goals. These objectives can range from driving lead generation and increasing sales to boosting brand awareness or promoting app downloads, depending on the client’s needs. Finally, I will work closely with my Client to agree on the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will measure the campaign’s success: these typically include metrics such as conversions, Click-Through Rate (CTR), Cost Per Acquisition (CPA), and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).


In the process of keyword research, I will identify high-intent keywords that are most likely to attract relevant traffic. This step is crucial for ensuring that the campaign targets potential customers actively searching for the Client’s products or services. Additionally, I will identify negative keywords, which are used to filter out irrelevant traffic, preventing the ads from appearing in searches that are unlikely to lead to conversions and optimizing costs.

When it comes to audience segmentation, I will define target groups based on several factors, including demographics, interests, behaviors, and purchase intent. This segmentation ensures that the ads are delivered to the most relevant audiences.


To effectively position a Search Engine paid campaign, I will research competitors’ PPC strategies using several tools. This allows me to gain insight into how competitors are approaching their advertising efforts. Next, I carefully analyze key components of these strategies, including ad copies, keyword choices, bidding techniques, and the design of landing pages. By thoroughly understanding what competitors are doing, we can identify gaps or opportunities where my Client can differentiate himself, whether by using unique messaging, targeting untapped keywords, or optimizing the overall user experience.


When structuring a Search Engine paid campaign, I organize it around specific product or service categories, locations, or audience types to ensure targeted and relevant messaging. Additionally, separate campaigns are created for various formats, such as Search, Display, Shopping, or Video, depending on the platform, especially if using Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising.


Ads destination URLs must be optimized for conversion, which includes ensuring fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and clear calls to action (CTAs) to guide visitors towards completing desired actions.


Tracking codes such as Google Analytics/Google Tag Manager are specifically customised to monitor user behavior and track conversions, providing valuable insights for ongoing campaign optimization.


In the initial days following the Search Engine campaign launch, I will closely monitor performance to quickly identify trends or issues. During this period, adjustments are made as needed (first optimization), such as modifying bids, pausing ads that are underperforming, or adding negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic and improve overall efficiency. At the same time, the expert ensures that conversion tracking is functioning properly, confirming that data is being accurately captured for analysis and further optimization.


After the first 2 weeks of the campaign, a detailed report is prepared, summarizing key performance metrics and initial results. This report is then reviewed with my Client to gather feedback and discuss potential areas for optimization.

Following the launch, ongoing optimization is essential. This includes conducting continuous A/B testing for ads to identify the most effective variations, refining keyword lists and audience targeting for better precision, and updating landing pages or improving quality scores to enhance overall campaign performance.

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